Levite Alms is an NYC-based not-for-profit 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization. With program 3, Levite Alms will provide mentoring and improvement for the adults 18 years and older to the Brooklyn sections of New York City. At times, it is difficult for certain individuals to access services such as, the elderly, disabled, hopeless, and illiterate people that need a not-for-profit organization to come to them and not always them to it to implement learning programs.
In program 4, Levite Alms is making an effort to target the borough of Brooklyn by emphasizing our energy on businesses. The businesses will include all ranges from small, medium, and/or non-profits. We have noticed a lack of businesses/organizations that can effectively cultivate the minds, hearts, and souls within the community. If anyone feels a need to contact us, we'll see what we can do for you.
There are adults who still haven't grasped the basics of reading, writing, math, computer, and money-saving skills. By providing an outlet for mentoring and improvement to the adults 18 years and older in the Brooklyn sections of New York City, lives could be remedied. At times, it is difficult for certain individuals to access services such as the elderly, disabled, disadvantaged, and illiterate people that need a not-for-profit organization to come to them and not always to it to implement learning programs and seminars.
Levite Alms will scrutinize all functions of our client's business, such as:
~ Observing the flow of traffic
~ Racial, ethnic, gender, and age make-up of patrons
~ Staff interaction/teamwork and staff/patron relations
~ Return rate of patrons and how many returns
~ Reviews and complaints
~ Ambiance of the facility
~ Advertisement and its target audience
~ Amenities Cash flow and expenditures
~ Facility maintenance
~ Furniture design and quality
~ Pricing/fees
~ Turnover rate
~ Time is given for cleaning to be completed
Levite Alms will evaluate the data compiled and, if needed, will devise a plan to:
~ Increase visibility to people of a variety of backgrounds
~ Better the quality of communication/teamwork between staff and enhance
communication between staff and patrons
~ Increase the return rate of patrons
~ Add amenities where needed or subtract where not needed
~ Create reasonable and affordable rates/prices
~ Introduce furniture that is durable, inexpensive, and easy to care for
~ Minimize expenditures/loss
~ Enhance lighting technology
~ Implement a diverse staff and multi-linguistic availability
~ Build positive relations with the community
Although there isn’t a guarantee, Levite Alms’ hope is to establish:
~ Increased traffic
~ Community outreach/support
~ Diversity
~ More revenue
~ Customer satisfaction
~ Expansion