
Levite Alms is an NYC-based not-for-profit 501 (c) 3 tax-exempt organization. With program 1, Levite Alms has been dedicated to the unfortunate for the past five years. We have been providing food and clothing for the homeless in the Manhattan and Brooklyn sections of New York City. At times, it is difficult for certain individuals to access services such as the elderly, disabled, and illiterate homeless people that need not-for-profit organizations to come to them and not always them to it.
In program 2, Levite Alms is making an effort to target the borough of Brooklyn by emphasizing our energy on the youths. The youths will include all age ranges under 18 years old. We have noticed a lack of programs that can effectively cultivate the minds, hearts, and souls of today's youth. If anyone feels a need to contact us, we'll see what we can do for you. (Special Message to Donors)
For the past 25 years, our country has observed National Homeless Persons' Memorial Day on December 21. The observance serves as a Memoriam to those who perished while homeless. The day, which is also the longest night of the year, raises awareness of the far-reaching impact of homelessness on our citizens and communities.
According to the 2015 Point-in-Time (PIT) survey from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, 564,708 people were homeless in the United States on a given night in January 2015. Most (69 percent) were staying in residential programs for people experiencing homelessness, while 31 percent were found in unsheltered locations. Most people who were homeless were individuals (64 percent). The 36 percent who were not alone had children. Twenty-three percent of those homeless were children younger than 18 years of age.
We have been providing food and clothing for the homeless in the Manhattan and Brooklyn sections of New York City. The portions of the boroughs are 14th Street Union Square, Madison Square Park, 34th Street-Penn Station, and East New York. Levite Alms is seeking to perpetuate our philanthropic activities with the less fortunate by accessing those who are dwelling in shelters and lower-income neighborhoods. This program will not just focus on distributing food and clothing but, also provide counseling and life coaching.
According to research, youth violence is widespread in the United States (U.S.). It is the third leading cause of death for young people between the ages of 15 and 24 years old. Each year, youth homicides and assault-related injuries result in an estimated $16 billion in combined medical and work loss costs. Violence can also affect the health of communities. It can increase health care costs, decrease property values, and disrupt social services. In recent years, mentoring has proliferated as an intervention strategy for addressing the needs that young people have for adult support and guidance throughout their development.
Healthy eating helps prevent high cholesterol; high blood pressure; and helps reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, and diabetes. There
Healthy eating and regular exercise help to reduce the risk of developing obesity, osteoporosis, iron deficiency, and dental cavities. It is important in childhood and adolescence for proper growth and development, in order to prevent health problems. Healthy eating and exercise are associated with reduced risk for many diseases, including but not limited to, heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes; which could lead to death. The lack of a violent environment improves with development and growth of learning and health equilibrium in children.
Because youths lack proper knowledge of nutritional facts and benefits they tend to practice poor eating habits. Proper nutrition promotes the optimal growth and development of children. There are connections with violence and the lack of health equity in persons who live in an environment plagued with violence.Mentoring is considered a great intervention strategy for addressing the needs that young people have for adult support and guidance through their development. Levite alms is making an effort to target the borough of Brooklyn by emphasizing our energy on the youths.
The youths will include all age ranges under 18 years old. In the East New York neighborhood of Brooklyn in which, Levite Alms is located, we have noticed a lack of programs that can effectively cultivate the minds, hearts, and souls of the youths. Levite Alms is here to aid in the disruption of the trends that have plagued East New York for many decades. Levite Alms' hope program has focused on the youths within East New York's daycare centers as a starter, by providing nutritional food donated to us by Chipotle Mexican Grill Restaurant. We're looking forward to implementing nutrition classes and physical activities.